Upgrades To Make a Home More Appealing

In today’s market, buyers seek energy-efficient and eco-friendly features when searching for a new home. According to the National Association of Realtors‘ 2023 Realtors and Sustainability Report, almost half of consumers in the current market are focusing on sustainability.

“Buyers often seek homes that either lessen their environmental footprint or reduce their monthly energy costs. There is value in promoting green features and energy information to future home buyers,” says Jessica Lautz, Deputy Chief Economist and VP of Research at NAR.

In the report, there are many green features that are most important. These include proximity to frequently visited places, a comfortable living space, utility bills plus operating costs, and a home’s windows, doors and siding. These all can be changed while the location of your home cannot.

ENERGY STAR also points out that there are other features that can be updated that will make your home not only more comfortable but energy efficient as well. Make sure your HVAC system is maintained and working properly. This also goes with your hot water heater which should ideally be upgraded to a heat pump water heater. Upgrade to a smart thermostat that can regulate temperature settings and reduce the cost of your energy bill. Proper sealing and insulation in your attic can also help with the heating and cooling of your home. Air can also seep out of windows, so upgrading to energy-efficient windows will reduce the transfer of heat.

Not only will an energy-efficient home sell for more money, but you can also benefit from tax credits and rebates for energy-efficient upgrades. Focusing on energy efficiency and eco-friendly features will make your home very appealing to buyers.

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